In the early Church various dimensions of Small Christian Communities are found in those who believed and accepted Jesus as their Saviour. Primarily it was a household church. The early Christians gathered in the houses of individual Christians.
Here are some of the pioneers who made great strides in building SCCs in their own regions and in our country. The stories of the pioneers who report here are inspiring for us and let us hope it is for you too.
Small Christian Communities are transforming people's lives in across various parts of India. Many families' lives have been touched by God's love. Here are some of the true stories recounted by Priests and lay persons in their villages and regions.
BEC Commission Members

Bishop of Punalur and Chairman - BEC Commission
1. Most Rev. Selvister Ponnumuthan
Phone: +91-475-2220229
Mobile: +919447310365
Email: [email protected]

Executive Secretary
4. Rev Fr George Jacob Palackaparambil SAC
Phone: +91-712-2581744
Mobile: +91-8999350783
Email: [email protected]

Bishop of Sambalpur
3. Most Rev. Niranjan Saul Singh
Phone: +91-663-2541656
Mobile: +919438625953
Email: [email protected]
Phone- +910663-2541656
Mobile: +919438625953
Email: [email protected]

Bishop of Lucknow
2. Most Rev. Gerald John Mathias
Phone: +91-522-2283467
Mobile: +919415419141
Email: [email protected]
SCC Regions in India

We commit to establish, empower and sustain Small Christian Communities, networking for transformation of society
SCC is the only way to renew the parish. This is the voice of the Holy Spirit. In the golden jubilee year of the diocese I do not see any other means better than SCC, which is centered on the Eucharist and the Word of God, for the renewal of the Church in the locality.

Late Fr. Gregory Kuttickal
We now can share a common meal sitting together without a sense of caste and creed unlike in earlier times. We now come together every day for prayer. Church is a community and this community is here where we live. The Word of God guides us. Our priests now come here oftener; it was not so before. We are growing in faith.

SCC Members of Masaurha Village
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