NST Members
Most Rev. Gerald John Mathias
Bishop of Lucknow
Phone: +91522-2283467
Email: [email protected]
Most Rev. Ignatius Loyola Mascarenhas
Chairman BEC/SCC Commission
Bishop of Simla-Chandigarh
Phone: +91172-2773555
Email: [email protected]
Most Rev. Selvister Ponnumuthan
Bishop of Punalur
Phone: +91475-2220229
Email: [email protected]
Rev. Fr. George Jacob Palackaparambil SAC
Executive Secretary
Mob: +918999350783
Email: [email protected]
Sr. Christin Joseph
14 Ecclesiastical Regions in India
NST National Network
Why Networking is Important?
- To welcome, meet, accept, share, connect, and generate new possibilities.
- Tto promote a sense of union and community; encouraging communal discernment;
- Not self–?centered but focused on the common mission, ultimately seeking the building of the Reign of God;
- To provide for a way of sharing ideas, expertise, resources, and creativity;
- To complement, strengthen and tap on local initiative rather than replacing it.
Jesus and Networking
Beginning with a team of three close friends and a dozen followers, He created an organization that today has spread all over the world.
Jesus networked for a single purpose: to introduce people to the kingdom of God.
- It is the cheapest and the quickest way for solving problems and achieving goals.
- It helps us to share information and find solutions together
- It creates Constructive synergy by the pooling together of many minds for the same purpose.
- It helps us find someone who understandsus much better than a Consultant.
- It helps to build Community for positive impacts on the Church and society.
The national Service team has maintained networking with regional/diocesan/parish teams.
- Organzing National programmes, Regional programmes, Diocesan programmes, Parish Programmes and regular reporting and sharing
- National and Regional Newsletters
- Live in programmes
- Visits to the SCCs, parishes, dioceses etc.
- Systematic planning, implementation and regular evaluation of diocesan and regional activities
- Internet
- Meeting and trainings of Bishops, Clergy, Religious and laity in various levels (National/Regional/ Diocesan) together and separate each in their own group.