Bishop Niranjan Sual Singh
Bishop of Sambalpur
Bishop’s House, Ainthapali, Sambalpur – 768 004. Orissa.
Phone: (0663)2540.558
Mobile: 09438625953
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Regional Coordinator
Fr. Cassian Pradhan
Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Bamunigam At/Po-Bamunigam Dist-Kandhamal-76202
Mobile: 09437682035
Email: [email protected]
SL No | Diocese | Name of Secretary | Address | Mobile/Email | Full Time/Part Time/Contact Person |
1 | Cuttack- Bhubaneswar | Fr. Cassian Pradhan | Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Bamunigam At/Po-Bamunigam Dist-Kandhamal-762021 | 9437682035 | Full time |
2 | Sambalpur | Sr.Meena Dangwar | Bishops House Herman Westermann Niwass Sambalpur P.O. Ainthapali Dist-Sambalpur | 8133054035 | Full time |
Fr.Sylas Kerketta | Regional Pastoral Centre
Utkal Jyoti Jharsuguda Post Box -6 Dist- Jharsuguda |
9668692004 |
Full time | ||
3 | Rourkela | Fr. Philip Ekka | Seva Sadan,Y/18 Civil township, Rourkela, P.O. Rourkela-769004
Dist-Sundergarh |
6370801151/ 9937813744 | Full time |
4 | Berhampur | Fr.Martyn Porichha | Anugraha Pitho P.O-Mohana, Dist-Gajapati -761015 | 9437859614 | Full time |
5 | Rayagada | Fr.James Vettom | Vianney Seba Sadan, Goudaguda Post, Laxmipur Via, Koraput Dit, Odisha- 765013 | 8328832754/ | Full time |
6 | Balesore | Fr.J Antony | Bishops House
At/Po-Balesore, Dist-Balesore -756001 |
7750834032 |
Number of Parishes | Parishes with SCCs | Number of SCCs |
169 | 93 | 422 |
RST members:
Most Rev. Niranjan Sualsingh, Emeritus Bp. Lucas Kerketta, SVD, Fr. Silas Kerketta, Fr. Sanjay Minz, Mrs. Sumoti Khakha, Ms. Sushila Tigga, Fr. Dev Chandan, (Cassian, Mr Ajay Kumar Singh, Fr. Philip Ekka, Mr. Felix Tirkey, P. Paschal Minz, Mr. Charles Kiro, Fr. Chittanjan Senapati, Fro Jose Aresseril, Mr. Santosh, Mr. Shasi Bardhan, Mrs. Janani Saha, mrs. Abha Singh, Fr. Anil Kumar Kullu, & Ms. Bertha Lakra
RRT Members:
S. Most Rev. Niranjan Sualsingh, Emeritus Bp. Lucas Kerdetta, SVD, Fr. Silar Kerketta, Fr Sanjay Minz, Mrs. Sumoti Khakha, Ms. Sushila Tigga, Fr. Dev Chandan, (Cassian, Mr Ajay Kumar Singh Fr. Philip Ekka, Mr. Felix Tirkey, P. Paschal Minz, Mr Charles Kiro, Fr. Chittanjan Senapati, Fr Jose Aresseril, Mr Santosh, Mrs. Janani Saha, & Ms. Bertha Lakra
The impact of this network on the region
- There is interest, enthusiasm and co-operation from the laity-side to implement the New Way of Being Church
- AS the commission met many times there was a lot of participation of the people. The people were also involved in the planning and implementation of the program. The people are coming closer to each other. The people are aware of the New Way of Being Church.
- We also gave a SCC program at Khriso Jyoti Sason. Rourkela Nava jarithi, Balasore Minor seminary. And at Sukananda in Bhubaneshwar archdiocese, Berhampur, Rourkela and Sambalpur dioceses
- Due to the regional and diocesan programs the people are made to be in constant awareness of SCCs. The people are also motivated.
- The presence of the Bishops is very encouraging.
Diocesan Coordinators
Balasore Diocese
Bishop Simon Kaipuram, C.M. Kaipuram
[email protected], [email protected]
Fr. Francis Xavier Singh
Marshal Dahar Catholic Church
P.O Bangriposi
Dt- Mayurbhanj
Mail id [email protected] 09438435621
Cuttack – Bhubaneshwar Diocese
Archbishop John Barwa
Mob : (+91)674 257 5225/ (+91)9437390428
Email : [email protected]/ [email protected]
Fr. Cassian Pradhan
Catholic Church,
Sukananda, P.O. Gresingia,
Via G. Udayagiri,
Dt. Khabdhamal – 762 100
Landline no. 06847 – 260039
Mobile no. 09437682035
Email : [email protected]
Archdiocese SCC Program 2017-18
20th-22th September 2017
Diocesan Team Training Program was held at Divya Jyoti Patoral Center on 20th-22 Sept 2017, for the diocese of Rayagarda, Berhampur and Cuttack-Bhubaneswar.
Sept 24th -25th
Parish Team team training for the parishes of Padangi,Sukananda and Sonkhrakhole.
Berhampur Diocese
Bishop Sarat Chandra Nayak
Mob : +91 9437681965/ (+91)9439000657
Email : [email protected]
SCC Coordinator
Fr.Promod Nayak
St. James Church Birikote
At/p.o Birikote
Mobile no: 08456093431,08763917647
Rourkela Diocese
Bishop Kishore Kumar Kujur
Fr Philip, Ekka
Seva Sadan
Y/ 18, Civil Township,
Rourkela, Dt Sundargarh,
Odisha – 769 004
Landline no. 0661-2400511
Mobile no. 09937813744
Email : [email protected]
Bishop Niranjan Sual Singh
Bishop of Sambalpur
Phone: (0663)2540.558
Mobile: 09438625953
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Fr. Sylas Kerketta
St. Cyprian Church
P.O. Madhupur, Via Sohela,
Dt. Bargarh, Odisha – 768 033
Land – 06685 880221
Mobile – 09668692004; 0865888422
RST (Regional Service Team)
Regional SCCs Core team meets with SCCs national secretary Rev.Fr Thomas Vijay to evaluate and plan out for the forthcoming regional SCCs program.
National Service Team (NST) initiated SCC Regional Resource Team (RRT) training in Odisha Region from 13th to 18th March 2017. The following dioceses took part in the training: Cuttack-Bhubaneswar, Balasore, Berhampur, Rourkela and Sambalpur. The Regional Chairman Most Rev. Niranjan Sual Singh along with 24 RRT members (priests, religious and laity were present for the training programme. It included an exposure to the local SCCs in Jharsuguda.
NST with RRT in Odisha Region
Local SCCs welcome RRT members who came for exposure programme
Concluding Mass: Main Celebrant Most Rev. Niranjan Sualsingh of Sambalpur Diocese, SCC Regional Chairman
Fr. Sylas Kerketta, Sambalpur diocese organised a two day SCC seminar for Major Seminarians and sent to different parishes to help in the SCC promotion work.

DATE: 18-20th OCTOBER 2018
Odisha Plans for SCC CONVENTION 2018. The theme will be “SCCs EVANGELIZE FAMILIES” It will be held in Rourkela on 18th to 2oth Octobr 2018.
Rourkela> 1000 Sambalpur> 300
Baleshwar> 100 Behranmpur> 100
Cuttack- Bhubaneswar>100 Raigada> 100
The convention Planning Committee will consist of the following persons
1. Most Rev. Nirsnjan Sualsing, the scc Regional Chairman and Chairman of the Convention
2. Most Rev.Kishore Kumar Kujur, the chief Host and Chairman of all local Committees
3. Fr.Thomas Vijay, NST Secretary
4. Mr.Gordon Morris, NST member
5.Sr. Christin, NST Member
6. Fr. Casian Pradhan, the Regional Secretary& Convention Coordinator
7. The Chief Local coordinator
8. All the heads of the Committees set up.
B. Local COORINATION- headed by Chif Host, Most Rev. Kishore Kumar Kujur and Chief Local Coordinator
1) Registration Committee
2) Financial Committee
3) Reception Committee
4) Liturgy Committee
5) Cultural Committee
6) Exposure Planning committee
7) Transport committee
8)Catering committee
9) Health Committee
10) Local arrangements committee
11) Ushers committee
12) Media committee
13) Security Committee
14. Exhibition Committee
C. REGIONAL COORDINATION: headed by Most Rev. Niranjan Sualsingh
1) Programme Committee
2) Committee Overseeing Preparation work in all dioceses
The duties of each of these Committees were discussed in details.
PREPARATION AT DIOCESAN LEVEL: to be supervised by the Regional Resource Team (RRT) and Diocesan SCC Coordinators.
i. Every diocese to set up an animation team and a training for them by August 15, 2017
ii. The diocesan team to provide every parish a training team by November 31st 2017
iii. Every parish in all dioceses to have SCCs by January 31st 2018
iv. Every parish to have SCC convention by April 2018
v. Every diocese to have SCC Convention by July 2018
vi. The participants for the Regional convention to be selected with an aim to help them to serve the parishes as animators when they return. So they will represent different parishes (not necessarily every parish) and are supposed to be the best and most available and motivated people from parish teams.
vii. Their names and mobile numbers t be enlisted by the diocesan SCC Coordinator and sent to the Regional Convention Committee by the end of May 2018. No names will be accepted after that.
Prayer for the SCC Regional Convention 2018
I thank you Father for all the families of the Catholic Church, especially for the Catholic families of our Odisha Region. As Blessed Paul instructs us and I firmly believe that all families in heaven and on earth take their origin from you (Eph 3:14). Because O Most Holy Trinity, You are the source of perfect love and communion that unite members of family. I thank you Father for your love that sustains unity in families, I thank you Jesus for your grace of faith that leads families to you and I thank you Holy Spirit for your fellowship that strengthens families inwardly in moments of frailty.
I thank you loving Father for all the consecrated men and women who sowed the seed of faith in our region and our forefathers who accepted faith, and all those who labour to sustain and propagate that faith today.
As we prepare a regional convention with the theme “SCCs evangelize families” we humbly seek your blessings upon the region and the participants. Enrich our families with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit so that they may be strengthened with faith and love. Father, bless all the organizers, SCC teams, resource persons, volunteers, participants and the host diocese, Rourkela, so that we may reap rich divine fruits from this convention.
O Blessed Mother, Queen of families, intercede for our families with your motherly to your Son Jesus Christ that our families may become like that of the Holy Family of Nazareth. Oh righteous St. Joseph, Protector of the Church, watch over our families and protect them from all types of trials.
We make our prayer through Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.
Our Father…..Hail Mary…..Glory be to the Father
2nd RRT Training Programme In Odisha Region

Parish SCC Animation Programme of Sambalpur Diocese
A two day training programme for Small Christian Communities Parish Animation teams for 23 parishes and one Quasi parish of Sambalpur Diocese was organised by Fr. Sylas Kerketta, SCC coordinator, Sambalpur Diocese, at Utkal Jyoti Jharsuguda (Regional Pastoral Centre)from 31st July to1st August 2017.
Sr.Christine H.C. N.S.T. (National Service Team) member, Fr.Cassian Pradhan regional secretary, Sr.Mutilata Ekka HM regional animator and diocesan SCC team(Fr.Sylas Kerketta, Fr.Felix Lakra, Mrs.Bertha Lakra) and Mr.Charles from Raurkela Diocese facilitated the session s. There were 180 participants, Emeritus Bishop Lucas Kerketta, 125 lay persons, 28 priests, 25 sisters.
Aims of the programme –
• To reawaken and motivate the sleeping SCCs.
• To clarify the concept of SCC.
• To convince them the urgent need for SCC in Odisha context.
• To give them useful hints for an effective SCC promotion and SCC meetings.
In order to arriveat this aim following topics were dealt with:
• Parishes SCCs statistics were taken.
• 5 models of the Church.
• Group games.
• Inculturated Bible Procession.
• Gospel sharing
• Odisha situation today
• What is SCC? Four Marks of SCCs
• Discussions.
• Posters were used.
Participants were enthused and motivated to revitalise the SCCs and made action plans for their respective Parishes. They were evaluated and given feed back in order to encourage SCCs.
Inaugural session was the Bible Procession and enthronement of the Bible was done by Emeritus Bishop Lucas Kerketta of Sambalpur, concluding Holy mass was offered by Fr.Ronald Pereira SVD provincial INE.
At the end vote of thanks and decided to form the parish team and live a Sccs way of life.
According to parish SCC statistics early there was 230 Sccs units and at present there are 104 units.
Muktilata Ekka
Regional Report of Commission for Small Christian Community (SCCs) 2017.
In this year , the Month of May the National secretary .Rev. Fr.Dr. Vijaya Thomas met the regional charirmam Most. Rev.Dr.Niranjan Soulsingh and newly appointed regional SCC secretary ,Rev.Fr. Cassian Pradhan and few members of the region to plan how to go about the SCCs formation in theOdisha Region.In that discussion the national SCC secretary expressed, first and foremost we need to form RRT Regional Resource team ,secondly formation of diocesan team and thirdly, make parish teams of six diocese and conduct SCC awareness program for the priests and Religious of the six dioceses .
Berhampur Diocese
Two days awareness program was organized for the priests, religious and laity of Berhampur diocese on 22May and 23May 2017, at Mohana, where 49 lay persons, 18 priests and 5 sisters presented. The purpose of the program was the revitalizing of the SCCs in the diocese. At the end of the program the laity as well as the parish priests present were enthused and motivated to revitalize the SCCs and bring about the new way of being church. The program was animated by Rev.Fr.Cassian, the regional secretary for SCCs and Mr. Gordon E. Morris a member of the NST for SCCs.
Regional Resources Team training (RRT)
A four day training for Regional Resource Team for Small Christian Communities of Odisha Region was organized by Fr.Cassian Pradhan regional secretary,at Bishop’s House,Ainthapali,Sambalpur from 25th to 29th July 2017.
Sr.Christin H.C NST (National Service Team) member was the main resource person. There were 13 participants for six diocese of Odisha Region (Sambalpur,Berhampur,Cuttack-Bhubanewar,Rayagoda and Rourkela).
The aims were successfuly achieved in this training programme. In order to arrive this programme following topics were dealt with:
• 5 models of the Church
• Justice issues in SCCs
• Group games
• Incultured Bible Procession
• Discussion
• Posters were used
Inaugural session was Bible procession and enthronement of the Bible was done by Emeritus Bishop Lucas Kerketta of Sambalpur. At the end vote of thanks and decided next RRT will be in Rourkela Diocese and date yet to be fixed.
Sambalpur Diocese
A two day training programme for SCCs parish animation teams for 23 parishes and one Quasi parish of Sambalpur diocese of Sambalpur was organized by Fr. Sylas Kerketta, SCC coordinator, Sambalpur Diocese, at UtkalJyotiJharsuguda from 31st July to 1st August 2017.
Sr. Christin H.C NST member of national service team, Fr.Cassian Pradhan regional secretary , Sr. Muktilata Ekka, HM regional animator and diocesan SCC team ( Fr. Sylas, Mrs. Bertha and Mr. Charles from Raurkela diocese facilitated the sessions. There were 180 participants, Emeritus Bishop Lucas Kerketta, 125 lay persons, 28 priests’ 25 sisters
Participants were enthused and motivated to revitalize the SCCs and made action plans for their respective parishes, they were evaluated and given feedback in order to encourage SCCs.
Balesore Diocese
A two day SCC awareness programme was held for the diocese of Balesore, one day on 26th Aug for priests and religious and on 27th August 2017 for laity at Dipti Bhavan Kuruda pastoral Center.
Mr. Gordon E. Morris member of NST ,Fr.CassianPradhan Regional SCC coordinator, Sr. Muktilata HM regional animator and Balesore Diocesan SCC coordinator Rev Fr. Francis Xavier Singh fecilitated the sessions. There were altogether 112 participants. Participants were encouraged and motivated to form and live SCC way of life in their respective parishes.
Archdiocese Cuttack-Bhubaneswar
1. Two hour and half each, SCC awareness proramme was held both cathedral and pro-cathedral at Cuttack and Bhubaneswar Parishes on 28th-29th August 2017.
Mr.GordonE.Morris member of NST, Fr.Cassian Pradhan., Sr. Muktilata H.M regional members facilitated the sessions.
Topics were highlighted:
• Why SCCs
• Five models of the Church
Participants were motivated and decided to live a SCC way of life.
Both the parish priests Rev Fr.NiharRanjanParichha and Rev. Fr.Prasana Kumar Pradhan Vicar General of Cutt-Bbubaneswar enthroned the Bible.
2. SCCsAwarnessprogramme for Priests, Religious and Laity of Archdiocese
A two day SCC awareness programme was held for the priests, religious and laity of Archdiocese Cuttack-Bhubaneswar on 31st- 1st of August 2017 at DivyaJyoti Pastoral Center K.NuagaonKandhamal,where 15 sister, 22 priest and 102 laity were presented.
The purpose of the Programme was the revitalizing of the SCCs in the diocese. At the end of the programme the laity,priests and religious present were decided to revitalize the SCCs and bring about the new way of being church. The programme was animated by Mr.GordonE.Morris NST member and Regional team members Rev. FrCassianPradhan and Sr.MuktilataEkka HM.
Inaugural session was meaningful and grand Bible procession and enthronement of the Bible was done by Rev.Fr. Prasana Kumar Pradhan, Vicar General of Cuttack-Bhubaneswar.
Rourkela Diocese
A two day SCC seminar was held for priest and religious of Rourkela diocese at Hamirpur Bishops House, on 31st August and 1st September 2017, where fathers and sisters 128 and 2 bishops total 130 were present.
Participants showed keen interest and enthusiasm. They were animated and convinced of the importance of SCCs that SCCs are the reflection of one Holy Catholic and ApostolicChurch, established by Jesus Himself.
Evaluation and action plan: All 43 parishes have three concrete action plans to build SCCs in every hamlet; form strong PAT and regular Evaluation.
The Programme was animated by NST secretary for SCCs Rev. Fr. Dr. Vijay Thomas.
Regional SCCs Convention 2018
A two day preparatory meeting,for Regional SCCs Convention 2018, was held at Hamirpur, Bishops House Rourkela on Jun 6th and 7th 2017. Where NST team members, Rev. Vijay Thomas national SCC secretary, Gordon E.Morris NST member and Sr. Christin H.C NST member along with Regional Chairman Most. Rev. Dr. NiranjanSoulsingh and Most .Rev. Kishor Kumar Kujur,locol ordinary and host of the Convention, Rev.Fr. Stephen Barla, Vicar General of Rourkela the chief coordinator of the SCCsCovention 2018, Rev Fr. Philip Ekka SCC diocesan coordinator and Rev. Fr. CassianPradhan,regional SCC secretary ,were present..
Purpose of the programme was how to go about the preparation for the forthcoming Regional SCCs Convention 2018.
Second meeting was taken place on 14th July 2017, at Bishops house Rourkela; the above mentionpersonals were present. In this meeting all the committees were formed and responsibility allotted.
Third meeting took place on 2nd September 2017 at Rourkela Bishops house, where national team, regional team, SCC chairman Most. Rev. NiranjanSoulsingh, Local ordinary and host of convention Most. Rev.Kishor and the entire SCC committee convener were present. , to plan the budget involved in committee. Fourth meeting is fixed in Dec 15th 2017.
Forthcoming SCCs Programme
-20th – 22nd September: Diocesan Team Trainings for Cutt-Bhubaneswar, Rayagoda and Berhampur.
Venue:DivyaJyoti Pastoral Center.
-01-03October 2017: Diocesan Team Training for Rourkela,Balesore and Sambalpur
Venue: UtkalJyoti Jharsuguda.
-Diocesan Teams continue offering training to Parish teams in their respective diocese
-Parish teams are formed for Cuttack-Bhubaneswar diocese for Sukananda,Padangi and Sonkhrakhole Parises on 24th and 25th September 2017.