Here are some of the pioneers who made great strides in building SCCs in their own regions and in our country

Bishop Bosco Penha
SCC reminds us that the Eucharist is not only to be celebrated in Church but to be lived in every part of the parish. We must carry the Eucharistic Mystery from the Church to our neighbourhoods. We must work to wipe the tear from every eye and to bring the smile to every face.

Fr Edwin M John
I am happy there are so many to give a helping hand to Basic Christian Communities (BCC). Now the challenge is to ensure that these Basic Communities take it as their job to promote neighbourhood parliaments, especially of children, to begin with.

Sr. Christin Joseph
My effort in building up Small Christian Communities brought me very close to the people. I believe that the care of all our people is only possible by all, when all the members of our Christian Communities take up responsibility to care for one another.

Fr. Thomas John Vijay SAC