Bishop John Rodrigues
Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay
St. Pius X College, Aarey Road, Goregaon (East)Mumbai- 400 063
Mobile No: 8879865040
Email : [email protected]
Regional Secretary: Fr. Sanjay Parkhe
C/O Bishop’s House, Cantonment Area, Aurangabad – 431001
Mobile No: 8805432559
Email : [email protected]
SL No | Diocese | Name of Secretary | Address | Mobile/Email | Full Time/Part Time/Contact Person |
1 | Ahmedabad
Fr. Titus D’Costa,
St. Xavier’s School Mirzapur, Ahmedabad 380 001 |
9426061704 ,07801882117,
09712098421, Off: 079 25623258 |
Part Time |
2 | Baroda
Fr. Peter Savarimuthu
Mother Mary Church, OppNavin Florine Colony,Behind Safari Complex, Behestan,
Surat 395 023 |
09998078422 | Part Time |
3 | Aurangabad
C/O Bishop’s House
Cantonment Area, Aurangabad – 431001 |
8805432559 | Part Time |
4 | Nashik
Fr.Vishal Tribhvan
St. Patrics Church, Devlali Camp
Nashik |
9588423670 | Part Time |
5 | Bombay
Fr. Savio D’Souza | St.Francis Xavier Church
Church Road, Vile Parle( West) Mumbai – 400056 |
9820670851 | Part Time |
6 | Rajkot
Fr.James Thayil
Bishop’s House, Kalawad road
Prem Mandir, Rajkot , Gujarat |
94289052 | Part Time |
7 | Sindhudurg
Fr. Godwin Pereira
Director SCCs
Bishop’s House Kankavali, Dt. Sindhudurg Maharashtra – 416602 |
09420376657 | Part Time |
8 | Vasai | Fr. Francis Dabre, Director – SCCs
Bishop’s House, Barampur
Vasai Road, Dt. Palghar Maharashtra – 401 202 |
Tel: 0250 2380220, 2383333
0932646994 |
Part Time |
9 | Amravati | Fr. J.A. Ramsheen
C/O Bishop’s house
Amravati Camp 444 602
09422914516 | Part Time |
10 | Poona
Fr. S.A. Louis
St. Patrick’s Cathedral
(Maharashtra) |
Tel: 020 2747282; 9922755570 [email protected] | Part Time |
11 | Gandhinagar
Fr. Julian Raj
Catholic Ashram PB 31, Palanpur, Banaskantha Dt.
North Gujarat |
9586279321 | Part Time |
12 | Goa
Fr. Jorge Fernandes
Director, Diocesan Centre for Laity Apostolate
Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panjim Goa 403 001 |
Tel: 0832 – 2232496, 09764683953 | Part Time |
13 | Nagpur | Fr. George Jacob,
Pallottine Animation Centre, Pallotti Nagar Nagpur – 440013
8999350783 | Part Time |
Number parishs in the Region | Number of Parishes with SCCs in the Region | Number of SCCs |
852 | 623 | 6666 |
Short History
The Western Region SCC Council was formed as a follow-up to the National Council meeting held at Pune from 18-21st March, 2011. It has been initiated in accordance with the decision taken at the meeting of the National Council for SCCs at its first meeting held at Pune (pastoral Center) 18-21 March, 2011.
Western Regional SCC Council
To transform the entire Western Region into SCCs enabled parishes(By “SCC enabled” we mean a communion of communities centered around the Word and the Eucharist, carrying on the Mission of Christ)
Mission: We commit ourselves to establish and sustain Small Christian Communities in all dioceses of the Western Region in the next five years.
- To form an effective Regional Animation Team
- To form Animation groups for the linguistic segments
- to produce/translate literature in vernacular languages as needed
- Formation of Diocesan Animation Teams in all the dioceses
- To work towards provision of adequate funds and infrastructure to carry out the programme
Overall we must work towards empowering animators and lay leaders, the formation of clergy, religious and bishops and making SCCs the main operating structure of the parishes.
While several dioceses are functioning well, we have not been successful in improving the situation in Gujarat and a few dioceses in Maharashtra. Successive attempts at various levels, even by Bishop Bosco have not resulted in any improvement in these areas, mainly due to the lack of interest on the part of the Bishops. In 2014, two separate seminars were held for the Bishops and some priests of Gujarat and the Marathi speaking dioceses of Maharashtra but we have yet to see much movement at the ground level.
The dioceses of Pune, Vasai, Nagpur, Goa, Kalyan and Mumbai are faring very well.
Vasai have a new model which has created strong linkage between the PPC and SCCs and well drawn up plans along with a system of accountability.
In Mumbai the FILMC team has been augmented with new, younger members and members have been assigned to deaneries and parishes to oversee the working of SCCs and to assist. The Deanery Structure is working well with training, rallies, and many other initiatives. An archdiocesan SCC website has been active since 2 years.
Pune and Nagpur dioceses too are holding regular training sessions and have organized diocesan SCC rallies. Sindhudurg diocese has made significant progress over the past 3 years.
Kalyan diocese is following the Family Unit method.
Parish SCC Coordinators from seventy parishes of of the Archdiocese of Bombay met at the Salvation School in Dadar on Sunday, 21st August, 2016..These meetings are held thrice a year in the Archdiocese under the auspices of FILMC, the Archdiocesan animation team for SCCs.
The aim is to create awareness among animators and community members on the various trends and developments affecting the church and the way we need to respond to these as also to offer inputs and guidelines for the better functioning of SCCs
Bishop Agnelo Gracias, the Director of SCCs, conducted a session on “The Community Welfare Fund”, an archdiocesan initiative meant for helping the needy with medical and educational aid. All Parishioners are expected tocontribute one per cent of their earnings to this fund.. A very significant provision is that 15% of the collection in the fund is earmarked for the SCCs to be utilised for expenses of their activities..
The second session was taken up by Ms Genevieve Padikkal, a FILMC member who is also a member of the Family Commission on ” Inter-Faith Marriages and Challenges Facing the Church” with special emphasis on the role the SCCs can play in the pastoral care of such couples as also measures that can be taken to reduce the incidence of such unions in future.
Both of these were interactive sessions with group discussions, buzzing and time for questions and answers. The meeting ended with a simple fellowship meal.
Members Present:
– Bishop Thomas Dabre, Member, NST for SCCs (CBCI)
– Bishop Edwin Colaco/Fr. Sanjay Rupekar, Aurangabad
– Bishop Lourdunada Daniel/Fr. Vishal Tribhuvan, Nashik
– Bishop Elias Gonsalves/Fr. Subhash Magadi, Amaravati
– Frs. S. A. Louis/Wilfred/Arul, Poona Diocese.
– Fr. Dennis Kokya/Mr. Elvin Colaco, Western Region Resource Team.
1. Prayer and Gospel Sharing (John 21: 15-17) animated by Fr. Dennis.
2. The Chairman, Bishop Dabre welcomed the participants and addressed the group, highlighting the following :
– the three priorities of the Western Region are a )promotion of inter-religious dialogue b) promotion of relations between religious men and women and
c) promotion of SCCs. These three are overarching.
– Now there is a change in the Holy See with regard to SCCs
– SCCs have been established in many parts of Asia such as S. Korea, Thailand, Phillippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, etc.
– in India,SCCs were first started in Bombay by Bp. Bosco Penha, in 1984.
– the CBCI meeting in Pune, in 1992, adopted SCCs as the way forward for the Church in India. Later the CCBI and various regions took up
the promotion of SCCs, the Western Region being the first.
-the passage taken up for Gospel Sharing touches the core of Christianity: “Do you love me?”…. “If you love me, take care of my flock”. Love is of the essence.
-we can’t promote love from the pulpit-it is too general. Love is personal, like tending sheep. Christ’s love is to be promoted through tending to
the people in small groups.
-the Bishops therefore are responsible for strengthening the SCCs.
-SCCs can be strengthened by according priority, and a systematic way of functioning.
– This meeting has been called in order to explore ways in which this can be implemented, particularly in the Marathi speaking areas.
Bishop Dabre then requested Elvin to carry forward the proceedings.
3.1 Amaravati – Catholic population 70,000 spread mainly among 3 cities and 2 rural parishes. There are several mass centres with a negligible number of people. SCCs have been started in the 5 major parishes but are still at the prayer group level. They also animate liturgy – slowly trying to shift them to the SCC mode as part of the Faith Formation plan. Trying to build leadership in local areas.
Socio-pastoral mapping is being done to avail of Government schemes.
There are Steering Committees in parishes that organize programmes. The theme of Family and its Mission in the Church is being emphasized.
3.2 Aurangabad – SCCs are mainly in the city based parishes, more in the prayer group style. No training is being offered to people or leaders at
present. In the rural areas people are scattered.
3.3 Nasik – Strong Jesuit presence and influence in the past. People were assisted with land problems and this facilitated conversion. The diocese
depends on Catechists to animate the laity; about 7-8 of them in each parish–becoming difficult to recruit new persons due to low remuneration.
Recently recruited 22 persons, mainly women. Fr. Vishal Tribhuvan has tried to revive Christian groups in some of the former Jesuit parishes
which were almost dormant.
.3.4 Poona – Frs. Wilfred and Arul shared on the animation of SCCs at the Cathedral parish of Poona. Last year 6 seminarians visited different areas
but there was no follow-up. This year 22 seminarian along with an Area Leaders are visiting groups of 50-60 families each. During 5 Sundays of
lent, all sermons were on SCCs. Trying to form youth groups in SCCs – they take up a task each month. Three priests from the parish are
animating 43 SCCs.
Fr. S.A. Louis felt that grassroots work is very essential. Parish Animation Teams can overcome problems arising due to transfer of priests. We need
to motivate men and children to participate in SCC activities.
4. Inputs
4.1 Elvin Colaco explained that while the Western Region was the first to introduce SCCs, we have reached a plateau with no significant growth or
progress seen in the recent times. This is due to lack of upgrading (training/methodology/systems) and lack of effective monitoring and follow-up. One of the shortcomings was inadequate attention to local language groups. The dioceses invited for this meeting were with a predominantly Marathi
speaking population – the aim was to specially focus on this language
While we are mindful of the difficulties faced in some locations like the rural areas, it is important that we do not give up altogether but find ways and
means to surmount these, perhaps with a different methodology. Our aim should be to build up empowered, self-sustaining. self-reliant SCCs that can strengthen the dioceses through a significant expansion in lay participation.
He then outlined the Role of the Bishops in Promoting the SCCs. The five Key areas:
-A clear Direction; SCCs to be made a Pastoral priority
-Organising: full time SCC Director, Diocesan/Parish Animating Team,office, budget.
-Training and literature in the local language.
-Monitoring through a system of Reporting.
-Maintenance to ensure continuity.
Fr. Dennis Kokya explained the Role of the Diocesan SCC Director in terms of :
-Taking Responsibility -Planning & Evaluation -Training -Accompaniment |
-Forming Diocesan/Parish Teams -Keeping Contacts & Networking -Communication -Personal Growth |
He then outlined in detail, the way SCCs are administered in the Diocese of Vasai with the focus on training of animators and PPC members, annual plans, monitoring of plans v/s performances at the Deanery/ Diocesan levels and the proactive role played by Bishop Felix Machado. He presented a chart showing the several Administrative, Structural and Operational benefits reaped by the diocese through the SCC way of functioning.
5. Planning
The Bishops appreciated the inputs. A broad consensus was arrived at on the following:
a. Declaring SCCs as a Diocesan Priority.
b. Strengthening and Supporting the role of the Priest Director of SCCs.
The Bishops were not amenable to having full-time directors.
c. Forming Diocesan Animation Teams (followed by parish animation teams wherever feasible)
d. Work on training of the Director and members of the Diocesan Animation teams. A plan/schedule to be drawn up.
e. Procurement of literature especially in Marathi.
Specifically, the Dioceses of Nasik will appoint a Director of SCCs by the end of November and Amravati will have a 10 member animation team.
6. Bishop Dabre thanked the Bishops and their team members for attending the meeting at very short notice. He also appreciated the role played by
Elvin and Fr. Dennis in planning and conducting the meeting.
7. The meeting ended with spontaneous prayers by all the participants.
( Minutes compiled by Mr. Elvin Colaco, Regional Secretary and NST member )
a) Regional Council – A Regional Council, under the Chairmanship of Bishop Bosco Penha has been in existence since over a decade and has been meeting annually in Mumbai for 2-3 days at which a lot of inputs were being offered and plans drawn up. However it was felt that in many dioceses the plans were not implemented since the diocesan coordinators were either not empowered or were not able to carry their bishops along. Hence we did not hold any meeting last year but instead have been working on convincing the bishops first, for which we have held 2 meetings already. Once some definite structure is in place in all the dioceses it will be the opportune time to formalize the Council.
In the interim, we are in regular contact with the dioceses and do support their needs.
b) Regional Resource Team – We are working on formalizing this although we have a pool of resource persons who have been conducting training in various
dioceses in English and Marathi. Efforts are on to form sub-teams who can assist in the Gujarati/Konkani areas. When we identify personnel in these two languages we will formally constitute the Regional Resource Team. Presently the
English team is coordinated by Mr. Elvin Colaco and the Marathi team by Fr. Denis Kokya.
c) Efforts in animating the above –
i A meeting was held with the Bishops of the Marathi speaking dioceses in October 2014, with the aim of strengthening the SCC set up in these areas throughOrganization Structure and Training. All the bishops and Directors attended.
ii A meeting was held with the Gujarati speaking dioceses in March,15 on the same lines as above. 2 of the 4 bishops attended and 3 of the 4 dioceses were represented. The feedback is very positive.
iii A similar meeting will be held with the 2 Konkani dioceses.
iv The Gujarat area is in need of a lot of animation as the SCC program has a very limited presence and in many places the communities that were formed
have lapsed. We are hopeful that after this meeting there will be some forward movement.
v) Through the efforts of Bishop Bosco and the initiative of Fr. Godwin, the diocese of Sindhudurg has made good progress. They have observed the Academic Year June 2014 to May 2015 as the Year of SCCs.
No. of Dioceses in the Region
No. of dioceses with a director of SCCs No. Of dioceses with SCC Council No. of dioceses with SCC Resource Team No. of Parishes in the region No. Of Parishes with SCCs No.of SCCs in the Region No. of dioceses with periodic SCC Bulletins No. of dioceses with scc literature in vernacular No.of dioceses conducting regular training |
11 (incl 3 oriental rite) 9 (incl 2 oriental rite) 8 (incl 2 oriental rite) 846 ( Incl 258 oriental rite) 617 ( incl 185 “ “ “ ) 6666 (incl 937 “ “ “ ) 5 (incl 2 oriental rite) 7 (incl 2 oriental rite ) 9 (incl 3 oriental rite) |
Note: . # Figures are for 14 dioceses, excluding Aurangabad
1. CHAIRMAN: Bishop John Rodrigues
Basilica of Our Lady of the Mount
Mt. Mary’s Road
Mumbai 400 050
Mob: 8879865040
Tel: 022 26423152
Email: [email protected]
2. Diocesan SCC Directors/ Coordinators :
Bishop Agnelo Gracias
Director of SCCs
Archbishop’s House
21, Nathalal Parekh Marg
Mumbai 400 001
Mob: 9870206015
Tel: 022-22021093/1193/1293
Email : [email protected]
3. Fr. Felix D’Souza
Promoter of SCCs -Archdiocese of Bombay
St. Anthony’s Parish
Santacruz East
Mumbai 400 055
Tel: 022 26672963/4685
Mob: 9820831665
Email : [email protected]
Fr. Titus D’Costa
St. Xavier’s School
Ahmedabad 380 001
Mob: 9426061704/07801882117
09712098421 (Whatsapp)
Off: 079 25623258
Email: [email protected]
Fr. Subhash Magade
Bishop’s House Camp
Amravati 444 602
Mobile: 09158584446
Email: [email protected]
Fr. Sanjay Rupekar
C/o. Bishop’s House
Little Flower Compound
Aurangabad Cantt. 431 002
Email: [email protected]
Fr. Peter Savarimuthu
Mother Mary Church
Behind Safari Complex
Surat 395 023
Mob: 09998078422
Fr. Prakash Kerketta
Diocese of Chanda
Bishop’s Home, Ballarpur
P.O. 442 701, Chandapur Dist.
Mobile: 967922745
Email: [email protected]
Fr. Malar Azhagan
Catholic Ashram
Ramosana Road
P. B. No. 3,
Mehsana 384 002
Email:[email protected]
10. GOA
Fr. Jorge Fernandes
Diocesan Centre for Laity Apostolate
Lar de Estudantes
Altinho, Panjim
Goa 403 001
Tel: 0832 – 2232496
Mobile: 09764683953
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Fr. Shaji Parickappallil
Director, Family Apostolate
Diocese of Kalyan
George Church (Panvel)
Plot no. 16 – Sector 19, NEW PANVEL
Mumbai 410 206
Mobile: 08879091711
Email: [email protected]
Ms. Janice D’Mello
SCC Office
Archbishop’s House
Mohan Nagar
Nagpur 440 001
Tel: 0712-2533239
Mob: 09960704713
Email: [email protected]
13. NASHIK – Vacant
Fr. Ravi Tribhuvan ( Fr. Vishal Tribhuvan )
Vicar General
Bishop’s House
Jail Road, Nashik Road 422 101
Tel: 0253-2462528
Email [email protected]
14. PUNE
Fr. S.A. Louis
Centre for Small Christian Communities
St.Francis Xavier Church
Pune – Mumbai Road
Pu/ne 411 019
Tel: 020 2747282
Cell: 9922755570
Email: [email protected]
Fr. Josy Kalathil
St. Thomas School
Opp. Meera Hostel
Motikhavadi, Jamnagar
Tel: 09726600332 /9409530433
Email: [email protected]
Fr. Denis Kokya
Our Lady of Remedies Church
Remedy,P.O. Vasai 401 201
Dist Thane
Tel: 0250 2322569/2309302
Cell: 8806390315
Email:[email protected]
Fr. Godwin Pereira
Director SCCs
Milagres Boys Boarding and Minor Seminary
Sawantwadi 416 510
Tel: 02363-274041
Mob: 09420376657
Email: [email protected]
The SCC Animation Team of the Archdiocese of Bombay, FILMC, had their bi-annual Study Days from 18-19th April. It was an exercise to finalize the texts of 10 new topics for training at parishes and SCCs that was begun at the previous Study Days in November, 2016 when teams of 2 persons each expounded on various aspects of personal growth of people, especially animators, which are covered in an existing session titled “ If I Grow the Community Grows.” Those presentations were inspiring and it was felt that if we can develop each aspect in the form of a simple ‘session’ it would be a significant value addition to the repertoire of subjects for SCC training offered in the archdiocese.
The 10 topics covered are :Spiritual Growth, Faith and Nature(environment), Psychological Growth, Cultural Growth, Civic Involvement, Making Sense of Personal Finance, Working with People of Other Faiths, Quality of Relationships, Developing a Sense of Humour and Communication Skills.
All the presentations were backed by Scriptures, Church documents and teachings, besides contemporary knowledge and thinking in these fields. Group work and participation was to be integrated into the sessions. The process followed was to prepare a draft, have it reviewed by a group of assigned peers, re-draft based on inputs from peers, all over a 5 month period and then present the revised text, at these study days for approval. Most members took this task seriously and the new presentations were indeed impressive. It was felt that we still need some fine tuning and suggestions were made to the authors to rework and submit a final version, by June.
We are grateful for the inspiration and support from Bishops Agnelo Gracias and Bosco Penha that enabled us to carry out this assignment in a systematic and time bound manner, making the Study days really productive for u as well as for the Archdiocese.
Reported by Mr. Elvin Colaso
Nagpur Diocese was established in 1887
It was raised to an Archdiocese in 1953.
There are 12 Parishes and 24 Mission Stations
The total number of Catholics in the Archdiocese are 26,000
SCCs have become a source of renewal in the Church all over our country and in other parts of the world. SCCs as Pope John Paul II said are proving to be “The Concrete Expression of the Church” (FC-85), and as the African Bishops said “SCCs are the local incarnation of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church” in their neighbourhood. They have done wonders even in our Archdiocese and ever since their inception have made Catholics live out their faith more authentically. We know that renewal in the Church is not an overnight process and SCCs have been constantly doing it. Every day thousands of SCCs are meeting and many in our Dioceses are reading the Word of God, reflecting and acting on it. The history of Small Communities in our Archdiocese dates back to the 80’s when many Priests, some who are still with us tried to initiate the Church into a participatory communion.
Even though Vatican II initiated the renewal in the Church in the 1960’s the winds of change in organizing the life of the community in the Church came a little slowly in our country. With the advent of the Better World Movement in 1981, a new surge to renew the Parishes was started by the Redemptorist Fathers who conducted programmes on New Image of Parish (NIP) in some of the Parishes in the Archdiocese. It led to some efforts to form neighbourhood prayer groups. With no proper backup programmes to sustain the movement, eventually it lost the initial enthusiasm and did not take root.
Efforts were made to From 2002 our efforts to form SCCs intensified using the AsIPA & later the DIIPA methodology
Efforts were made to start SCCs in 1982 in the form of the New Image of the Parish (NIP) from the ‘Better World Movement’ programme. From 2002 our efforts to form SCCs intensified using the AsIPA & later the DIIPA methodology. A Diocesan SCC Office was formally set up with Rev. Fr. Thomas Vijay sac & Rev Fr. Jerome Pinto as Coordinators.
In 1990 LUMKO methodology to form Small Christian Communities (SCCs) was introduced in the Archdiocese. Many workshops were organized at the Archdiocesan and Regional level. In the year 1992 many Priests from the Archdiocese attended a training programme in Mumbai. In order to initiate and form neighbourhood groups late Rev. Fr. John Anthony was appointed the Archdiocesan Coordinator for SCCs. The FABC (Federation of Asian Bishop’s Conference) in Bandung, Indonesia in 1990 was a major milestone which gave the clarion call of the ‘New Way of Being Church’, a direction on how to be the future Church in the new millennium. It stated that “the Church in Asia will have to be a Communion of many Small Communities in which the Clergy, Laity and Religious accept each other as brothers and sisters”.
During this time from 1995 – 1999 the CBCI Laity Commission encouraged the formation of SCCs all over India. This was a result of the FABC 1990 conference which set up an AsIPA desk for promotion of SCCs all over Asia.
Rev Fr Oswald Hirmer brought the AsIPA methodology of forming SCCs to India, along with Rev Fr Thomas Vijay SAC. Since then this AsIPA methodology and texts are used in our Archdiocese to form SCCs.
The biggest impetus came in the year 1999 with the preparations for celebrating “Yesu Krist Jayanti” – 2000 years of the birth of Jesus Christ by the Church all over India . Most Rev. Bosco Penha, Bishop of Bombay motivated all the Bishops to take up the SCC project. The Nagpur Archdiocesan thrust on the “New Way of being Church” gave the SCCs new energy. Workshops were conducted in all the Parishes of the Archdiocese as a preparation for the jubilee year by promoting the “New Way of Being Church”.
After Archbishop Abraham Viruthakulangara took up charge he personally initiated a major push to the SCCs. In the year 2000 we had a Jubilee Committee Workshop in which 600 people were given training at the Pallottine Animation Centre Nagpur. In 2001 a Training for team members for all Parishes was held in PAC by Rev. Fr. Shaji Mathew sac. Since then we had been having regular formation at the Pallottine Animation Centre and at the Archdiocesan and Parish levels.
In 2002 the Nagpur Archdiocesan SCC Office was formally set up. Rev. Fr. Thomas Vijay SAC & Rev Fr. Jerome Pinto were appointed Coordinators. In November 2002 an Archdiocesan team comprising of 40 Animators from different city Parishes was formed to promote animation of SCCs. The smaller team is still functioning though some members have been changed but they still work with even more dedication and conviction.
The Archdiocesan SCC team met quarterly and focused on forming SCCs in every Parish. The initial aim was to build a Parish team in each Parish who could sustain the SCC work. Meanwhile we did try to strengthen the Archdiocesan SCC Team. We organized ‘Immersion Programmes’ on two occasions in which 29 members benefited. One group went to Sambalpur Diocese while the other went to Rourkela Diocese both in Orissa State and were greatly inspired and motivated to work for building SCCs.
Since the year 2003 we are focusing on formation of Parish SCC teams for sustaining the project in each parish. On the 5th of October 2003 an Archdiocesan SCC Day was held in which 2,500 lay faithful attended. General awareness of SCCs was given. Since then we have been having regular formation for different groups and celebrations of events related to community building.
Our Archdiocese took a giant step in this field when Archbishop Abraham announced the appointment of Mrs. Janice D’Mello as the new Coordinator for SCCs in the Archdiocese. This is the first time a lay person and more importantly a Woman has been appointed as Coordinator for SCCs in India. She has been working with the SCCs since 2001 and is in the Diocesan Office from February 2005.
In November 2005 Guidelines for Diocese Pastoral Council & Parish Pastoral Councils was promulgated by Fr. Thomas Vijay and Fr. Jerome Pinto with a view to make SCCs pastoral implementation body coordinated by PPCs. The SCC Core team is also engaged in helping Parishes to implement this effectively.
Current status of Parishes with SCCs : (As per reports received till date)
No. of Parishes & Mission Stations : 36
Parishes with SCCs : 30
No. of SCCs in the Archdiocese : 232
No. of SCC Animators : 450 approx
The Core Team of Animators along with Fr. Vijay Thomas, Fr. Jerome Pinto, Mr. Joseph D’Souza and Mrs. Janice D’Mello meet regularly for training, planning and evaluation.
Major tasks undertaken by the Archdiocesan SCC Core Team till date:
Preparation and celebration of SCC days at the Archdiocesan level.
- Forming Parish teams & Deanery teams.
- Organizing various seminars for Clergy/Religious/Laity/Seminarians.
- Organizing Seminars exclusively for Archdiocesan team members (Parish Priests, Sisters and lay faithful)
- Arranging for group interaction of the Archdiocesan team and SCCs with participants from other Dioceses and Countries who visit Pallottine Animation Centre.
- Conducting awareness program sessions in SCC units.
- Outreach to Parishes in Districts. (Mission stations).
- Organizing Immersion programmes for Archdiocesan animation team.
- Encouraging Parishes to organize SCC days.
- Organizing several trainings in Parishes for implementing the Parish Pastoral Council/Diocesan Pastoral Council Vision and guidelines.
- Efforts to generate own funds from the local SCCs to run the Diocesan SCC Office.
- Holding regular evaluation of efforts and planning.
To be available as much as the animation work in the Diocese demands.
- Getting more Priests actively involved in the building of SCCs
- Forming and training of new Deanery teams
- Training and empowerment of SCC Animators at Parish and SCC levels.
- Reaching out to the people especially the Youth with SCC Formation programmes.
- Implementation of DPC/PPC Guidelines.
- Generating funds from the local SCCs for the Archdiocesan Office.
- DAT needs more training and commitment
- Reaching out to all mission stations with training and empowerment.
Archbishop Abraham has taken a clear stand on promoting SCCs in the Archdiocese.
- Fairly good cooperation of Parish Priests
- SCC Day celebrations have created a great awareness and interest in the parishioners and are celebrated every year at the Diocesan and Parish level or at the Deanery level with enthusiasm.
- Increased number of committed SCC animators
- Parishes are showing interest to maintain SCCs
Janice D’Mello
SCC Commission
Nagpur Archdiocese
With great jubilation a Bible Mahotsav was held in the Archdiocese of Nagpur from 30th September to 2nd October 2017. A large number of people participated in it. We had very good representation from city Parishes and from the Mission stations.
The Bible Mahotsav began at 9.30 a.m. with Praise & Worship. The Holy Bible was brought in a solemn procession and enthroned by His Grace Abraham Viruthakulangara Archbishop of Nagpur followed by a reading from the Scripture and a short prayer service.
His Grace in his inaugural address expressed his joy at seeing so many participants especially those coming from far away Mission stations. He extended a warm welcome to all the participants.
The traditional lamp was lit by dignitaries to mark the inauguration of the Bible Mahotsav.
Day 1:. The Theme was “Word-Centered Families”.
- Rev. Fr. Vincent T. SAC spoke on “Being AWord Centered Family” & “The Importance of proclaiming the Word today, especially the Laity”.
- Most Rev. Bishop Thomas Thennatt SAC, Bishop of Gwalior Diocese spoke on the topic; “Be Evangelized yourself and then be an Evangelizer”.
- Dr. Thomas Vijay SAC the National Secretary for SCCs with his vast experience had an inspiring Talk show on “Family of Faith”.
All 3 sessions of the day were very enlightening & motivating.
Day 2: The Theme was: “SCCs, Church In The Neighbourhood”
- Most Rev. Bishop Raphy Manjaly, Bishop of Allahabad Diocese spoke on “Tomorrow’s Church is in the Neighbourhood” & “Christian Communities role in Evangelizing”
- A Demo on the 7 steps, the correct method of Gospel Sharing with commentary was beautifully enacted by an active SCC unit of St. Martin de Pores Parish.
- There was active participation at the talk show on “SCCs Evangelize Us” by Mr. Joseph Dsouza who is a very dynamic and experienced member of the Diocesan SCC Core team. He encouraged the faithful to make SCCs more active and stronger.
- We were happy to listen to Rev. Sr. Christin Joseph HC from Kolkata. Sister is a senior member of the National Service Team for SCCs she spoke on “Every Family Should Fully Belong and be Active in SCCs”. A video was also shown on how the SCCs in Bokaro steel city came together and built a much needed Church in the city, thereby inviting each one present to get convinced that SCCs can become places of Communion of faith in love.
DAY 3:. The theme was:“Family, School Of Faith”
- The Resource person for the day was Rev. Fr. Francis Scaria from the Archdiocese of Bhopal he spoke on the “Importance of Living Faith At Home” & “Parents as Primary Family Catechists”.
- Rev. Fr. Jerome Pinto Vicar General of our Archdiocese enlightened the faithful on the “Family Apostolate”.
- A video on the “Culture of Death” was displayed. Skits, sharing by couples & Bible related beautiful dances made the event a joyful and memorable learning experience.
The Bible Mahotsav was organized and planned well. Each day the programme would begin with Praise & Worship by the Jesus Youth followed by opening of the Bible, reading from the Scripture and a short prayer. Everyday there was half an hour of Adoration followed by Mass.His Grace Archbishop Abraham was involved in the planning and was present on all 3 days of the Mahotsav. His presence was very inspiring and encouraging.
Rev. Fr. KD Thomas Director of Christian Life Commission was the Convenor for the Bible Mahotsav. Father and his team worked tirelessly for the event.
Rev. Fr. Prashant Samuel Principal of St. Francis de Sales High School supplied 1200 bags for the participants containing a note pad, a pen, a bottle of water & a packet of biscuits. The packing was done by the SCC Core team members. Many meeting and discussions were held in preparation for the Bible Mahotsav. Various committees were formed and work was evenly distributed. The SCC core team worked tirelessly for the event, they took care of the Publicity by distributing banners and leaflets to the Parishes, collection of funds, registration, and various other preparations for the Bible Mahotsav.
The 3 days of the Bible Mahotsav were inspiring & motivating. The Jesus Youth had the participants on their feet with their lively action songs. It has given us a chance to look into our lives, our ministry, our values, attitudes, interests & commitment as to what extent do we assist in evangelization in our SCCs & families, Religious communities, Institutions & Parishes.
Mrs. Janice D’Mello
SCC Coordinator
Nagpur Archdiocese

Workshop on SCC & Family held at PAC Nagpur from 8 to 11th November 2021